ELEC 9336
Written by: Evelyn Oi Ting Wong (2174727)
Kenneth Ka Ming Wong (2174731)
Submission Date: 11 June 1999.
Abstract: Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line (ADSL) is a relatively new technology that utilizes the existing twisted pair telephone-lines for high-speed data communications. The objective of this tutorial is to give an overview of ADSL technology and some of its related issues. ADSL is one of many Digital Subscriber Line (DSL) technologies, generically known as xDSL. A brief outline of the other DSL technologies will be given, followed by a detailed analysis of ADSL. To understand how ADSL works, we will first briefly look at the physical characteristics of the transmission medium, and of the existing telephone network. The modulation schemes of ADSL will then be looked at, as well as the limitations of the technology.
Lets begin!!
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